歡樂錢潮來 創意海貝鐘 Create your own money attract clock. Let money flows to you every single seconds. 創意海貝鐘 (Cash clock) a photo by hsoc-handicraft on Flickr. 創意海貝鐘的由來 貝,海介蟲也。居陸名猋,在水名蜬。象形。古者貨貝而寶龜,周而有泉,至秦廢貝行錢。 鐘,樂鐘也。秋分之音,物穜成。从金童聲。古者垂作鐘。 《説文解字》 貝殼至商周時代,都用來當作貨幣(錢)使用;「鐘」古作樂器,至少唐代具時計作用,古分夜五更,每更敲鐘,故鐘生時計之意。因此24小時不停運轉的「貝鐘」 ,意味的每個人分分秒秒擁有不停流入的錢潮。 來自澎湖的海貝鐘,象徵大家都能讓五湖四海的錢,澎湃如錢潮般,流入自己的口袋。 Creative seashells bell origin Shells to the Shang and Zhou dynasties, are used as currency (money) to use; "bell" for ancient musical instruments, timepieces role with at least the Tang Dynasty, the ancient divide night just before dawn, each more bell, so when the clock count Italian students. So 24 hours non-stop operation, "Tony Bell," and obviously meant everyone has kept the money flowing into the tide. Seashells bell from Penghu, symbolizing that we can make money all over the world, such as the money flows like surging flows into his pocket.